Thursday, November 29, 2018


Since my last post have finished assembly of the trunk area.  I ended up inspecting and cleaning the trunk harness.  It is amazing to me how well this survived over 54 years.  Most people (including me) would send the harness out to have the woven covering replaced.  In this case, it was in nice shape and you just can't get the covering to look exactly like it did originally after having it re-webbed.  Note the two colors that are used...Dark bluish-green and grayish-tan.   The string is impregnated with a waxy substance, replacement string is not, in my experience. 

I also finished the rest of the trunk interior.  Here are some shots. 

Discovered yet another oddity for the 64 1/2 cars of this era - the bumper brackets are held to the body of the car by gold cadmium bolts, along with a cadmium lock washer and a clear zinc plated conical washer.  This is different form the phos and oil bolt and the zinc dichromate conical washer called out by the assembly manual. AMK provides a longer bolt and a larger conical washer, consistent with the assembly manual.  I have documented 3 other cars (with pictures) of this June 64 period that used the setup on this car.

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